Lab I1

The Chair of IT Security Infrastructures (Lehrstuhl für Informatik 1,
IT-Sicherheitsinfrastrukturen) was established in 2010. The main purpose
of the lab is to enable its participants to perform high quality
research and education in the area of information and computer security.


At the international conference DFRWS EU 2024, Maximilian Eichhorn, Janine Schneider, and Gaston Pugliese received the Best Student Paper Award for their article titled Well Played, Suspect! – Forensic Examination of the Handheld Gaming Console "Steam Deck". The paper focuses on conducting a forensi...

Category: Allgemein

The lab is conducting a research study to investigate the usage and possible issues of the NVD (National Vulnerability Database). If you are using the NVD regularly, we would greatly appreciate your participation which contributes to the improvement of vulnerability management. The survey takes 10 m...

Category: Allgemein

Im Digitalgespräch des Zentrum verantwortungsbewusste Digitalisierung (ZEVEDI) sprechen Gastgeberinnen Marlene Görger und Petra Gehring mit Felix Freiling, was die Allgegenwart digitaler Spuren für die Privatsphäre heißt, wie verantwortungsvolle Digitalisierung im Kleinen wie im Großen Kriminalität ...

Category: Allgemein